Sunday, December 1, 2013

Back To Basic : Pass

Pass in simplicity, is a ball move from a player toward another.

The quality desire for a pass is fast enough to escape any potential obstruction and soft enough to be received by team member.

A fast pass is most important when passing to the center of the court, since there will be more opponent at the center.

A pass that is too fast won't be able to be stop by the receiving team member, thus defeating the purpose of a pass. There is no point passing if your team member can't get the ball. So the pass must be soft so the pass could be receive easily.

These two aforementioned points is contradictory to each other in the most paradoxical way. I would like to clarify this conundrum,  by demonstrating that these points is legitimate, reasonable and logical. The key is balance. The ball need to move just fast enough to escape any potential obstruction and just soft enough to be easily receive by a team member.

There is much could be said upon this subject,but I would end this monograph for now.However, I do hope you still find this simple monograph practical.  In short, passing is an art in itself.

Two Defenders ; The Path Unseen, Unraveled

The best way to dribble when facing two defenders in parallel line horizontally relative to the goal post is between the said defenders.

This void of undefended area in seemingly impenetrable territory is caused by the misconception and misguided assumption of the defender that the other defender will stop any attempt to move between the gap. Instead of stopping you, their inaction is due to each other false assumption.

Furthermore, because the gap is seemingly impenetrable, they are overconfidence that any dribble attempt could be stop easily. This overconfidence-induce inefficiency cause the gap even more easier to get through by dribbler. 

I hope you find this article useful. Be brave and go dribble!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Futsal Mentality

When you dribble , the correct mentality is to keep the ball under control.

I often see people dribble but they lost the ball easily. Why is this happening? This is because they don't have the correct mentality.  Usually the ball move first, and then said dribbler(s) move. This is mostly wrong because ball control is lost for a few seconds before control over the ball is gain again.

The correct way to dribble is to move with the ball at the same time, same velocity and acceleration.

I said in my precious statement moving the ball first is mostly wrong because certain skill have certain percentage of success and from my point of view, moving the ball first have have higher failure rate. Having said that, there is a famous player who prove the statistic wrong. Kaka have the habit of moving the ball first, yet he has a good successful rate. Another player worth mentioning is Bale (but his successful rate is lower than Kaka but higher than average)

You also keep the ball under control by never being too near to opponent when not dribbling. Keep a 1.5m distant (three steps) away from opponents when not dribbling to keep the ball under your control. When there is no opponent around you, how would the ball be steal?

It is also a good idea to shield the ball with your body in desperate attempt to maintain ball control.

In conclusion,  have the correct mentality people! Keep the ball under control. I hope you have fun reading this article as I did writing this.

Aggressive Tackle ; Why It's Football Worst Enemy and Factors That Make Tackle Dodgeable

No small talk and pointless chitchat and we dive straight, nose first into the topic.

Factor that make tackle easily dodge-able

1.Opponent is stationary

You are moving , meaning you have head start in initial velocity provided your opponent in static position,thus he need to accelerate from zero velocity

time : 0 (before tackle)
your velocity : 1
opponent's velocity : 0

tackle time : 1 sec
(if you and the opponent have same acceleration)
your velocity : 2
opponent velocity : 1

2.Feint/ Fake movement

When feint is used, opponent will be stun for about have 0.5 seconds, thus his reaction time will be 0.5 seconds late to your dribbling

3.Fear Effect

Once you have successfully dribble multiple opponents multiple of times, you will set fear ,i.e decrease their confidence of stopping you. The will have negativity in their thinking and they will doubt themselves whether they can stop you or not. Even if the opponent has never face you while you dribbling, the fear from observing your unstoppable-ness pawning other players start to sink in their brain cortex , thus reducing the efficiency to defend about 50-80%.

4. Aggressive tackle


Force is equal Mass time Acceleration

When using only the foot to steal the ball, you will only be using the mass of your foot.

When aggressive tackle is executed, the opponent use the whole body mass,thus to gaining greater force than using only the foot alone.

So aggressive tackle is more powerful than a normal one foot tackle (assuming the acceleration remain about the same).

Why is aggressive tackle so bad then? Isn't more force is better than less force?

Aggressive tackle is bad  because it's easily dodge-able. You can see it coming before it hit you because the whole body is move to produce greater force. (A foot is smaller in size compared to the size of the whole body)

As you use more mass in aggressive tackle, you will have greater inertia, thus you find it harder to stop your momentum and change direction, delaying your reaction time to dribbler next run.

Football/futsal is a collective fun game, if you use aggressive tackle

1. you will effectively destroy another player game,making it un-fun for him (unless that's your intention)

2. you might seriously injure that other person

Thanks for your time reading this academic literature on futsal. I am grateful with your kind attention.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Push To The Max

Have you push yourself to the max?

If there is one thing I work hard day in day out, it is futsal.

I started with football,but futsal is more convenient because there availability of the court and the human to play with.

As I write the history of futsal in my life, I am fill with the fond memory and pleasurable nostalgia. The happiness invoke by these mere I am writing right now is the best feeling on the world where no one can take it from you.

Believe it or not, I will feel really happy by just doing some skill with ball alone, and I get this ecstasy when i learn new skill, which I will repeat it countless of times for months until I am bored of it. Heck, even the feeling of touching the ball with my bare feet is enough to give me thrill and goosebump on my sole of my feet.

It would be absolute amazing if I could play with famous player, with the like of Messi, Chritiano Ronaldo or Kaka. Somehow, Kaka is still in my heart even thought he is now no longer the great name he used to be.

This monograph may be too technical to your comfort or to be too boring for your attention but I proceed this relentlessly as it give me nothing but joy and joy itself is a treasure of it own.

I have been obsessively learning and sometimes creating new skill, at one point of the time, I have been able to execute over 80 skills, which is a tremendous amount of number for one bone-skinny , bespectacled ,nerdy guy such as yours truly, if I do say so myself.

In futsal, you will always meet someone who is a better player than you and I am no exception to this rule. I have encountered a lot 'monsters' as I call them not out of jealousy or hatred but a true statement of their prowess. How could you not call them monster when they flawlessly dribble past 3-4 guys consecutively and score a goal at impossible angle or range .I admired all these monster and I have great respect for them.

I don't have any particular futsal mate, so most of the time I just join random people in random futsal court. It all has not been a smooth journey for futsal vagabond like me, who wander from court to court or from field to field just to play the game.

I admit I have not been the most clean player in the court. During the first 3-4 years in university, there is 80% chance I will hurt/knock/kick someone over the field/court. I am guilt-ridden of course. At that time, I just simply don't know how to take it easy when chasing the ball from the other player. Right now, I am just glad I am no longer the tackle-crazy-guy who I use to be. I mellowed down, and I even give space for opponent to move. Futsal is about collective fun, not just for your own enjoyment.

In the beginning, I was never good at futsal. In fact, I'm suck at it. My taste of futsal started the same day I break my introvert bubble by going out to play in the evening ,at the age of 11. Before this, I am always at home and the outside world never interest me much. The other neirghbours' kid were playing football so I somehow join them. I spend a shit-load of time being a defender,standing in front of goal, and I did a lousy job at it. I suck badly in the game for 4 years. When I entered form 5, things started to change. I improved.
I could kick the ball 50 meter away, which a big achievement for someone who suck badly as me.

I become unstoppable when I entered university where I play at least 3 hours a day, which cause sharp decline in my academics. But I was young and such consequences never really registered in my head. Everywhere I go people would call me Messi or C Ronaldo and even Puyol.

However, I am not without a weakness. I have a of weaknesses. People often critique my lack of pass, my selfishness. I still don't know how to juggle a ball, I still don't know how to head a ball, I still fail at receiving lob pass, and I am still clueless how to shoot the ball. For me, shooting a ball is still a big mystery ,like how scientist still don't know what is in our deep ocean floor. A great majority of my goals come from placing or point blank shot.

My passion for the sport, for the game is so high it is beyond earth breach heaven. That's is an accurate assessment of my passion, and that's the reason I push my self to the limit. They say the sky is limit, for me the heaven itself is in my reach.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

20-21 July 2013

20 July 2013

2 goals
1 assist

overcome yips :)

21 July 2013

3 goals 1 assist

Thought on groundmove

People say its useless, I say otherwise. You develop strong ball control. Make it hard for the ball to be steal.

You don't truly master groundmove unless you could do it without watching the ball and execute the groundmove by only touch.
At least that is my thought on that matter, so I keep practicing it because I know someday, I could do it by only touch.

Sidenote: I'm so thrill to be able to do two groundmove I created by myself, although it's a original move, I doubt this have not been thought by other people. Theory of Idea Saturation urghhh